1. Pumpkin                     100 gms
2. Arborio rice               200 gms
3. Chicken stock            500 ml
4. Salt                              to taste
5. Pepper powder         to taste
6. Parmesan cheese      20 gms
7. Saffron                        few strands
8. Parsley                        to garnish
9. Onions                        2 nos
10. Garlic                        20 gms
1. Heat butter and add garlic and onion sauté.
2. Add grated pumpkin and cook till done.
3. Add Arborio rice and sauté and slowly add chicken stock and cook and continue the same till rice is completely done.
4. Add parmesan cheese and seasonings
5. Garnish with chopped pistachios serve hot topped with parmesan cheese and fresh parsley.