
Pears                      6 no
Sugar                     200 gm
Butter                    20 gm
Cream                    120 ml
Whipping cream  100 ml
Coffee                      10 gm
Vanilla extract       5 ml





  1. Preheat oven to 210 c.
  2. Peel and split pears lengthwise an remove core, seeds.
  3. Place them flat side down in a gratin dish, do not over lap. Sprinkle sugar on top and butter.
  4. Bake for 35 min or until tender and sugar to caramelised.
  5. Add cream, Coffee and cook for 10 min; basting every 5 min.
  6. Once cream is reduced and got ivory colour. Take out of oven and cool to lukewarm.
  7. Whip cream until hard peak with vanilla extract.
  8. Serve with whipped ream on top.