Chicken 1 kg
Olive oil 20 ml
Oil 100 ml
Almond 30 gm
Garlic 50 gm
Pepper corns 20 gm
Parsley 10 gm
Cinnamon 10 gm
Carrot 50 gm
Celery 50 gm
Leek 50 gm
Spring onion 50 gm
Cloves 10 gm
Fennel 10 gm
Lemons 2 gm
Egg 2 gm
1. Marinate chicken or 10 minutes
2. Over a medium heat toss almonds until golden brown in oil.
3. Add garlic and cook along with almonds till golden brown. An drain on a paper towel.
4. Blend almonds, garlic, pepper corns and 5gm parsley to a paste.
5. Reheat oil to medium high and brown chicken on all sides 5 to 8 minutes, and then cool it down.
6. Heat 2 tbsp oil to medium and add onion and Cinnamon stick, cook slowly till onions are soft or 10 min.
7. Return chicken to pan, add wine and stock, simmer in on medium high heat.
8. Add almonds paste, cloves, cover and reduce heat to low and simmer.
9. Cook until chicken is tender or 30 min. At the end of 30 min stir in lemon slices and cook for another 10 minutes. Once chicken is tender correct the seasoning and rest chicken on side.
10. Mash poked egg yolks and whisk in cooking liquid to make a thickening agent.
11. Add it back on cooking liquid and boil it to reduce to half.
12. Return chicken pieces and coat with sauce an reheat.
13. Serve with sauce on top, garnish with chopped egg white, slivered almonds and parsley.