Flour 225 gm
Yeast 5 gm
Sugar 5 gm
Milk 120 ml
Egg 1 Nos
Fat 55 gm
Oil for frying
Dark chocolate 75 gm
Chef of the day: “Today is the best i will ever be …..“
and this ‘Today’ will be everyday (N NAVEEN KUMAR BCT&CA 2nd sem)
1. Sieve the flour and make a well, Add yeast, sugar, egg and milk.
2. Make soft dough from it.
3. Add fat and incorporate in the dough completely and keep it a side for 1st proofing.
4. After half an hour knock back the dough and roll it into a semi thick sheet. Cut the dough with the help of doughnut cutter.
5. Keep the doughnuts in a flour dusted tray and rest them until double in size.
6. Heat the oil, sim the flame and fry the doughnuts till golden brown in color.
7. Dip the doughnuts in the melted chocolate and plate them.