Refined Flour 470 gms
Coco powder 30 gm
Sugar 500 gm
Eggs 8 Nos
Baking powder 15 gm
Chef of the day:Soundarrajan (BCTCA 4th sem)
- Scale the ingredients.
- Sift all the dry ingredients together in a bowl.
- Add egg white and sugar in a mixing bowl and beat it until soft peaks are formed. Keep it aside.
- Add egg yolk and the remaining sugar in another mixing bowl and beat it until it turns to plain yellow colour.
- Combine the egg white and egg yolk mixture by cut and fold method.
- Add the dry ingredients batch by batch slowly into the egg mixture.
- Mix until the flour is incorporated into the batter.
- Transfer the batter into a baking mould and bake it at 370 F for 25 to 30 min.
- Cut the pastry into the desired shape.
- Whip the cream with icing sugar and do the icing. Pour the prepared ganache over the cake.
- Serve chilled.