Fish fillet 200 gm
Smack powder 20 GM
Salt 500 GM

For sauce

Cream 500 ml
Butter 250 GM
Lemonade 20 ml



Chef of the day: “Today is the best i will ever be …..

and this ‘Today’  will be everyday ( A SAI CHAND BHM&CT 6th sem)


1. Coat the fish with smack powder and cover it completely in salt.
2. And let it cure for 6 hrs, better overnight.
3. Once cured wash it in ice cold water.
4. Cut it to this slices and serve at 4c.

1. Boil the cream add butter and again bring it to boil.
2. Add lemonade corp by drop till it emulsifies into a creamy sauce.
3. Season with salt and pepper.